the author
O.A. Becker-Ritterspach was born, 1942 in Berlin, and is an architect
and scholar of building history. He was head of the restoration team
of the Bhaktapur Development Project, Nepal, from 1974 - 79. His Ph.D
thesis, Design Principles of the Architecture of the Kathmandu Valley
- with particular reference to construction and form, was subsequently
published in 1982 (in German).
Becker-Ritterspach has published a number of research projects, mainly
in the field of Nepalese architecture, which were partly sponsored by
the German Research Foundation (DFG). A recent book on Water Conduits
in the Kathmandu Valley has mainly to be mentioned here. Between 1970
and 1979, the author was assigned to various projects, working with
national and international organizations which are assisting developing
countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Since 1980 until his retirement
he has been employed in a senior position in the German building administration.